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Club wants to develop Vancouver Island ATV training facility

Club wants to develop Vancouver Island ATV training facility

Temporary use permit sought for Crown property in Whiskey Creek
Vancouver Island wildlife group advises public to leave fawns alone

Vancouver Island wildlife group advises public to leave fawns alone

They’re cute but curb the urge to pick them up: North Island Wildlife Rescue Centre
Qualicum Beach water system has no presence of asbestos fibre

Qualicum Beach water system has no presence of asbestos fibre

Analyses were conducted on eight water sampling sites
Parksville helicopter company wins $544-million B.C. air ambulance contract

Parksville helicopter company wins $544-million B.C. air ambulance contract

Ascent Helicopters to purchase 7 new aircraft to be located in major B.C. centres
Vancouver Island wildlife recovery centre releases rehabilitated eagle

Vancouver Island wildlife recovery centre releases rehabilitated eagle

Save Estuary Land Society member selected to free bird of prey
Temporary shelter at Parksville’s VIP Motel is now closed

Temporary shelter at Parksville’s VIP Motel is now closed

OHEARTS future is uncertain after emotional last day for residents
House fire in central Vancouver Island claims life of one person

House fire in central Vancouver Island claims life of one person

Police rule out criminality, still determining exact cause of blaze
Vancouver Island couple reeling after death of neighbour from early morning fire

Vancouver Island couple reeling after death of neighbour from early morning fire

Blaze in rural Whiskey Creek claimed the life of Charlene Priest
Parksville club set to host BC Masters Curling Championships

Parksville club set to host BC Masters Curling Championships

Team Shantz hopes to defend title
BC SPCA wants provincial ban on serval cats

BC SPCA wants provincial ban on serval cats

Organization lobbying local governments to support efforts to limit exotic animal ownership