Vigilant against outside interference in local government
I’m writing with questions about the full page ad in the Citizen, Friday, Oct. 19, which endorsed two mayoral candidates as those who would “foster superior governance”. The ad was sponsored by The Foundation for Better Government. Never having heard of the organization, I Googled it.
I couldn’t find much other than the name of the executive director, Steve Schafer. When I Googled him, he is self-described as a Langley resident and “hard core conservative”.
I carried on my search to see if there is a local chapter that might actually be in touch with our local election platforms. Nothing local found.
So what does Steve Schafer know about our platforms and candidates that he would, apparently unknown to them, sponsor them with a full page ad? Or what does he stand to gain on their success? Or, why is he sticking his nose and money into our municipal elections?
This letter is a plea to the people of this Valley to be vigilant against the pressure exerted by those who strive to divide us through identity politics; especially when they aren’t even a face in our community. Political ideologies have nothing to do with the issues municipalities contend with. Municipal governments don’t stand in opposition to anyone and aren’t meant to be a majority. They administer services, raise money, and problem solve solutions in the best interests of our community. They are the level of government that deals most directly with the people. They should be as diverse as we are.
Don’t fall prey to the “slate” mentality which over-simplifies and polarizes. Consider our elected officials on their individual merits. Strive to see value in our differences and conduct ourselves respectfully.
Martha Lescher