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The case for a regional coordinated approach to housing and investing in local solutions

CHA outlines reasons for voting ‘yes’ in Saturday’s referendum

On Oct. 20, all citizens over 18, residents of the Cowichan Valley may vote on the question of a Housing Financial Contribution Service for the region.

Housing is important to everyone. The quality and availability of appropriate housing affects our general well-being, health, educational and employment outcomes. Housing is an essential element in the economic development infrastructure.

A lack of appropriate housing is a major concern in the Cowichan Valley. The federal and provincial governments have made substantial commitments to subsidizing affordable housing in response to the housing crises across the country. They recognize that community-based housing is the most effective way to tackle housing issues and provide solutions. They look to partner with communities to provide their own housing solutions. But the partnership requires that communities be willing to invest in these solutions through adequate planning and financial contributions.

It only makes sense then to take a regional, coordinated approach to housing and invest in local solutions. The Cowichan Housing Association, over the past several years, has developed into the backbone organization for this approach. We have developed a comprehensive housing database that allows us to meet the rigorous application process and to build an evidence-based business case for leveraging funding for projects.

We have developed a regional partnership structure that brings together the community-based service organizations, health organizations and private market interests necessary to address the diverse parts of the housing and supports system. With our partners we have begun implementation of four youth housing project priorities: respite, shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supported housing.

CHA has helped more than 500 individuals and families with emergency rental subsidies, tenant and landlord education, and housing information and referral. We are developing a Regional Attainable Housing Strategy with a solid action plan for setting regional priorities and coordinating and implementing housing actions in a smart way, building both socially and financially sustainable communities.

The CHA is well positioned to take on the task of supporting community-based housing solutions and advocating for senior level government investments in the CVRD. Please vote Yes on Saturday because “Everybody Needs a Home.”

Cowichan Housing Association

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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