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Staying motivated means finding your why

Motivations can change over time, creating new goals
A very focused Michael Wik has worked very dilligently at making big gains in his lifting regime. He has managed to lose 10 pounds and four inches off his midline in two months. Here, he’s in his warm-up set before he loaded for his one rep maximum. (Photo submitted)

As we move into summer it can often be hard to keep up with our regular routines with the weather being so amazing and camping trips planned. We opt for spending time in our gardens, walking the beach and enjoy barbecues instead of our regular exercise routines.

There is nothing wrong with this as long as we do not lose sight of our why. When we first start exercising regularly and eating healthier, there was some motivation behind it, a why. You wanted to feel better, sleep better, get stronger, drop a size or increase mental well being. Whatever the why was it is important to remember it and also know sometimes the why will change as we change and grow.

When I first started working out at a gym it was because I wanted to feel stronger. I did not realize at the time it would also help me maintain mental well being and build confidence in myself.

As time went by, I started to lose range of motion and mobility in certain movements that I was always able to perform without any issue. This is when my why changed. I needed to put focus into stretching and regaining my range of motion and because I was stronger than before I started at a gym when I did increase my range of motion I saw new benefits.

This got me to approach fitness in a new way. Years have gone by now and I continually change my why usually around a new goal, something I want to be able to do and in turn it means my game plan needs to change. Right now, for me, that means building more upper body strength and flexibility to support my yoga and Ariel practice and learning to spend more time in stillness, meditation.

When you find your why the motivation comes naturally. It no longer feels like something you have to do but rather something you love to do. This doesn’t happen over night but rather over a lifetime.

Taking the time to try out new things means more chances of finding your why. There are countless activities: sports, gyms, walking and hiking groups, swimming and cycling to name just a few. When you find an activity you enjoy then the rest falls into place. You start to want to change other areas of your life so that you can get more out of the activity you love.

For me, this meant eating cleaner and meal planning. There is nothing worse than running around trying to prepare meals last minute, grocery shopping hungry, or eating out because you did not plan ahead. It makes it very challenging to succeed in making positive changes in your life and it can be expensive!

There are a ton of meal plan apps out there. Even ones that give you your grocery shopping lists like Mealime, Yummly, FoodPrint and Food Planner and are free. This is especially helpful if you are entertaining a lot this summer as Mealime will allow you to input even your guests’ preferences and spit out options, including a grocery list for you. This saves you time and keeps you on track for optimal healthy eating.

When the Why is clear the How is easy! So, get busy trying new things. Share your journey with others. You never know, you may inspire someone else to look for their why. When you see others succeed it is motivation to make changes personally, especially when that someone is dear to your heart. There is no better feeling than spending time doing what brings you joy. So, this summer stay motivated by finding your why!

(Nicole Cournoyer is the general manager of Anytime Fitness in Chemainus).