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Left has been influencing vote for years through third parties

Local organizations and big unions federally and provincially make an impact

I was slightly taken aback by Martha Lescher’s letter in the Cowichan Valley Citizen.

Is she unaware that the left has been doing the same thing as she accuses this “hard core conservative” of doing for years now?

The NDP has been using such organizations as One Cowichan locally and big unions federally and provincially to influence the vote for the left - only they do it big-time because they get money from outside the country sources such as the Tides Foundation.

This has been well-researched and documented.

Until some government has the gumption to outlaw this activity and call it what it is, political interference from third party groups that are really political parties in disguise, this kind of thing will continue.

It is another case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Reed Elley


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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