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Curtailment of paper operations at Catalyst Crofton mill extended 90 days

Company continues to cite challenging market conditions as the reason

What started as a one-month curtailment back on June 30 is now at eight months and counting for paper operations at the Catalyst Crofton mill.

Parent company Paper Excellence Canada announced Thursday the curtailment of paper operations at the Crofton facility has now been extended to the end of February 2024, with no end in sight, due to challenging market conditions which have not recovered as anticipated.

Related story: Uncertainties remain for Crofton mill employees amid curtailment

“Unfortunately, the continued curtailment means that approximately 70 paper operations employees will not return to work in December,” reads a statement from the company. “Paper Excellence Canada continues to work with our employees to mitigate the impact of the ongoing paper production curtailment.”

Related story: Another month for curtailment of Crofton mill paper operations

The mill’s pulp operations, which support approximately 400 union and salaried staff employees, will continue production during the extended paper curtailment.

Pulp operations resumed in October after a three-month curtailment.

Related story: Pulp operations restarting at the Catalyst Crofton mill, but not paper production

The company said it will continue to supply customers with products typically made at Crofton from other mills within the Paper Excellence group where possible.

Tanner McQuarrie, president of Unifor Local 1132 whose members are affected, has previously called this an “indefinite curtailment.” He did not offer a comment this time, but said before the union is working to make sure senior members get all the benefits they’re entitled to under the collective bargaining agreement and from the government for retirement.

Don Bodger

About the Author: Don Bodger

I've been a part of the newspaper industry since 1980 when I began on a part-time basis covering sports for the Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle.
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