Murphy is ending his reign as Chemainus’ unofficial holiday dog for 2022 with the biggest celebration of all.
Dee Gallant’s husky loves Christmas and he’s all geared up for the big day, whether it’s going for a walk in the snow or getting cozy inside for a nap.
Santa Paws, as he’s known for being such a great little helper, is the epitome of the Christmas spirit.
His suit is a bit tight from a few too many holiday treats already, Gallant noted, but he managed to squeeze into it.
Murphy’s been a bit naughty when he stuck his tongue out at the photographer doing his Christmas photo shoot, but there’s still a gift or 10 under the tree for him, Gallant said.
Murphy would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season with lots of love, wags and cheer to all.