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Why keep building with water finite?

We know underground aquifers are finite

I don’t understand the logic of building thousands and thousands of more new houses on Vancouver Island every year when every summer we now have water rationing. At the rate we are allowing houses to be built, I think that it won’t be too long before we will have to have water rationing all year round.

We know that the underground aquifers are finite, so why do Colwood and Langford build thousands of new houses and condos a year, the Cowichan Valley allow hundreds of new houses and condos to be built, and even more are being built in Nanaimo? Will we not stop until the water is gone?

Nicholas Brown,


Don Bodger

About the Author: Don Bodger

I've been a part of the newspaper industry since 1980 when I began on a part-time basis covering sports for the Ladysmith-Chemainus Chronicle.
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