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We need to accentuate the positives in life these days

Troubled times call for some measures to bring happiness

We desperately need more happy news stories to help regenerate our souls and sense of comfort and well-being.

They are still out there, but are being lost in the tidal wave of pain and suffering being heaped on us by both social media, to excess, and by traditional media outlets.

Unfortunately the adage ‘blood sells’ is still true and is being used extensively and without shame or sense of balance.

If yesterday I had shot the neighbour’s dog, killed my wife and burnt the house down it would have been a national news story and spread like the plague.

It didn’t happen. I had a very pleasant day, we went shopping and I bought some new shirts. We had supper and spoke to my daughter on the phone.

It was a good day, the sort that makes life worthwhile and reinforces a sense of comfort and belonging.

Now more than ever we need to actively reach out to family, friends and community to promote and enrich a sense of comfort and belonging with the happy news in our daily lives.

Please do it, start now and add a smile and comfort to others.

Roy Summerhayes,
