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Philippson a ground-breaker in the medical community

Wood-turning another trait that produced amazing pieces
Dr. Jerry Philippson with wife Anne in 2010. (Photo submitted)

I commend your newspaper for the thoughtful front page tribute to Dr Philippson (Courier, Aug. 3).

He was an important leader in our medical community during a time of momentous transition. Fifty years ago, my family moved to the Cowichan Valley, my position being a newly-trained specialist in Internal Medicine.

At that time, there were no resident consultants in this medical community, and it appeared to some as an unwelcome change. Dr Philippson and his associates, and a core group in Duncan and Lake Cowichan strongly supported my entry, and gradually over the next years, there slowly developed what has become a very competent and full complement of specialty services for our community.

Jerry was involved in many interests, including wood-turning, and was one of the leaders in establishing our group of six local wood-turners that took turns meeting in our workshops each month.

This was a congenial group that shared ‘turning pearls’, and led to many well-crafted bowls, ornaments, platters, rolling pins made of local timbers.

Well read and curious and enlightened, life-long learning was a one of this remarkable man’s characteristics.

A life well lived. You made this world a better place. We shall miss you Jerry.


Donald R. Hilton, M.D., FRCP(C)
