It’s a home run for adult baseball, with the arrival of the Port Alberni Cubs for a doubleheader against the two local East Vancouver Island Baseball League teams in Chemainus.
The Cubs will play the Stuart Channel Blue Heron at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 22 at the Chemainus Ball Park’s Larry Irving Field and then the Yellow Point Vultures take the field against the Cubs at 5 p.m.
The Cubs are a 57+ team that came second in the national 55+ championships in Halifax last year.
“Our first nationals we lost in the final game 4-3,” noted Cubs’ player Kelly McGiffin, who runs the organization.
The Cubs are hosting the nationals this year from Aug 4-7 in Port Alberni, with two age divisions.
“They are fine-tuning themselves by playing teams all around the Island regardless of age and ability,” pointed out Heath Fenton, who plays for the Vultures and runs the EVIBL. “We are stoked to have them play a double against both our league’s teams.
“What I am trying to accomplish, besides playing good baseball, is perhaps a showcase for our league – to show that we are here, we are legit and to draw interest for next year, as we will be expanding by two more teams. So I am making it into a mini-event game. With food vendors, walk-up songs and an MC announcer. Royal Savoie, a radio personality from Victoria, has kindly offered his duties for the music and announcing. He has a great voice. I just want a fun day of baseball. Plus it will be fun to play another team. The Blue Heron and Vultures are getting sick of each other. This is a nice way to break up the season, have fun and hopefully spread the word about the EVIBL. Call it an all-star break.”
The Bite Me Cookie Company food truck and Snap Dawgs hot dog cart will be on site.
McGiffin explained the Cubs program has been in operation just three years.
“I retired from my work in Ontario and moved home. I was playing old timers in Hamilton and didn’t want to stop. And now we have two teams, one 57+ and one 60+.
“On our 57+ team we have a number of ex-college players and several that were involved in national teams in both baseball and men’s fast pitch.”
Members of the Cubs play in a local men’s league and are spread out among four teams.
McGiffin noted the team runs with a catchy motto: ‘You don’t stop playing when you get old, you get old when you stop playing.’
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