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Trump horrifying to this expat

All norms have been turned into a circus.

Trump horrifying to this expat

Re: “Easy to figure out Trump’s style — I think he’s on to something”, (Citizen, Sept. 26).

I have lived here in Canada in the Cowichan area since 1971. I feel honoured to live in such a beautiful, diverse country.

I was born and raised in the U.S. with many relatives living throughout the states.

I have watched in horror as Trump and his GOP, which is the most corrupt GOP in the history of the U.S.A., brings my birth country closer to a crisis overturning all the norms and destroying the rule of law.

All norms have been turned into a circus.

I have notices several letters of support for this moron, Trump. One in particular has been a repeat defender of this con man. I have a suggestion for this uninformed defender. why don’t you immigrate to the U.S.? But beware, they may apprehend you at the border, put you into cages and take your children away. And there’s a good chance you’d never see them again. Shame on you.

Laurel Coleman
