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Staying positive and healthy in times of stress

Food choices, managing your time and regular breath work among the important factors
Misfits Fitness Studio class schedule for the week via Zoom with Nicole Cournoyer and Samantha Fincham.

Stress is a major cause of unhealthy living in North America which manifests in disease. If we look at the word disease, we can see the message within the word itself. Dis-ease. When our bodies are in a state of stress for long periods of time, we get sick. This is because stress causes a state of dis-ease.

During these unprecedented times it is paramount that we learn to manage our stress levels. The uncertainty we are currently experiencing is stressful and sure to bring about a state of dis-ease if not carefully managed.

Spending time in nature is one way to manage stress efficiently. Listening to the sounds of birds as you walk through a forest or along a trail on a beautiful sunny day sparks peace and contentment within us. Exercise releases endorphins, those happy hormones, so even on a rainy day a walk can prove to be just what we need when we are in a state of stress.

It helps to counterbalance the vibrational patterns within our bodies. Different emotions create different vibrational patterns. We see this when we study the effects certain music and messages have on water. Dr. Masaru Emoto did some fascinating experiments with water documenting this. You can check out his work on YouTube as well as reading his written book: The Hidden Message in Water.

Breathing is one of the best ways to reduce stress and anxiety within ourselves. Simple breath work for just a few minutes per day has shown to effectively reduce levels of stress quickly. Being conscious of how you are breathing throughout the day helps keep stress at bay as well.

Making the point of taking big, deep breaths as often as you can will help keep you feeling relaxed throughout your day. I did a short Pranayama Series on the Full Yogic Breath recently on our Misfits Fitness Studio and Health Bar Facebook page showing how to learn to find your comfortable seat and ease you into a regular breathing practice.

Whole food nutrition is another key factor in maintaining good health. This is choosing foods that are less processed and in their natural state. It does not mean you must go out and purchase expensive, specialty, organic foods. However, it does require some alternative food choices and a little research if you want to eat nutritionally dense food on a budget.

Choosing to eat foods that are less processed can be as simple as choosing a raw pear over canned ones, making your own dressings over store bought and choosing whole grains over refined ones. There are other ways to decrease your monthly food expenditures as well. One, is eating less meat. I am not going to dive into the pros and cons of forks over knives but rather point out that a bag of dried lentils is a quarter of the price of ground beef.

You can make a delicious shepherd’s pie substituting the ground beef or lamb for green lentils. This is a well-balanced meal that is high in protein and fiber that does not break the bank. Eating foods that are more nutritionally dense keeps our immune system up, our metabolism firing efficiently and dis-ease at bay.

Staying positive when stressed is a hard thing to do especially when you are listening to the news regularly, have lost your job and feel isolated from friends and family. My advice is to take this time and make a list of all the things you have been meaning to do but haven’t felt like you had the time for.

Turn the radio and TV off, unplug from social media and Netflix. Set time limits for yourself from these things. Try to use this forced downtime as a way to incorporate some healthier habits and start to accomplish the things you wrote down on that list. There are also lots of workout routines that can be found on Instagram and Facebook as well as YouTube that are free.

Schedule time to get outdoors, take advantage of the free exercise classes, practice regular breath work and research whole food nutrition and plant-based meals so that you may enjoy eating well on a budget. Above all else take the time to surround yourself with things that bring a smile to your face, like a pot of spring flowers, because it’s through that positivity we can manage any stressful situation and maintain our mental well-being and physical health.

(Nicole Cournoyer is a Chemainus resident and Misfits Fitness Studio and Health Bar owner/operator).