There will be no one, and no cavalry coming to save us from ourselves.
The end of the human experiment is in sight. At some level we all feel it and know it. Our species has finally and irrevocably failed our civilization. One of three processes or a combination, will soon seal our doom.
First there is the population explosion where infinite numbers of us compete to consume finite resources. Then there is our ever addictive technology; nuclear weapons in the hands of a divided people eager to kill one another, so fervent is their hatred...weapons of mass destruction so numerous the world could be destroyed utterly, hundreds of times over; leaving nuclear winter to freeze and starve any who might survive.
Finally, there is the breakdown of the environment.
The biosphere is as thin as a coat of paint on a basketball, yet everything alive needs it to live. We die in minutes without air, days, without water. We destroy the oceans that provide most of our oxygen.
And now, internationally we elect to office the very people who endorse it.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Grant B. Evans