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Expansion of fossil fuels not the direction to take

Support for workers in the conversion to green energy a necessity

A Just Transition means transitioning away from fossil fuels to green energy, while leaving no one behind. Support must be given to workers who will lose their jobs, including financial and retraining, especially in green energy. I personally know workers who would much prefer to work in green energy. If we stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry we can subsidize those workers.

We also need to harvest forests sustainably. Workers losing their jobs will also need support.

Expansion of fossil fuels is not the direction we need to take, including to Europe. They are embracing and increasing renewable energy projects such as wind and solar. The International Energy Agency has an expansive plan to replace Russian gas with renewable energy.

The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is dire. If we want to continue to live on this planet we must wean ourselves off fossil fuels.

I experienced the horrid heat dome last June and the smoke from many wildfires. The local farm market was flooded out in 2020 and 2021.

We have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere higher than it has ever been in the history of the planet, and we, along with all living things on this planet are suffering. That suffering will increase in frequency and intensity unless we reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. We can do it.

I want a future for my grandchildren. We need a just transition now.

Diana Hardacker,
