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Patricia Lorene Milligan (Brooks) (née Jack)

May 31, 2024


May 31, 2024

In loving memory ~

Patricia Lorene Milligan (Brooks) (née Jack), beloved mother of Toban and Joelle, passed away peacefully at 78 on the evening of Friday, May 31st, 2024. Her final moments were spent holding her children's hands and listening to John Denver's "Leaving on a Jet Plane," shortly after sharing loving words and an embrace with her "good man," Jim.

Lorene was the first baby born in the community of Mesachie Lake to her cherished parents, Roy and Jane Jack. She often lit up when reflecting on her idyllic childhood in the small mill town and took great pride in being a "millwright's daughter." Her "Mesachie Memories" never failed to evoke smiles and visions of a "better time." It is no wonder that it is to this home that she wished to return to rest.

Known for her personal passion for education, Lorene spent over 40 years as a teacher. Starting her career in the Cowichan Valley, she spent 35 years at St. Joseph's Elementary School in Chemainus, helping children grow and flourish. Known as the "warm fuzzy teacher," she touched countless young lives as she modelled her mantra: "May the joy you give to others be the joy that comes back to you."

Soon after beginning her teaching career, Lorene met Don, her hunting, fishing, baseball-loving, long-shoring first husband-to-be. With his laid-back charm and cheeky wit, Don soon won Lorene's heart. They were happily married for nearly 20 years, enjoying countless good times and raising two children (and several most adored English pointers) before, despite a valiant effort, Don succumbed to a long-term heart condition. Broken-hearted but not broken, Lorene carried on doing her best to be all things to her family. One day, however, she decided she needed a gardener. And along came Jim. Steady, hard-working, and devoted to his craft, Jim soon decided that he wanted to share those same qualities with Lorene. Not long after declaring to Lorene that "he would like to take care of more than the roses," Jim and Lorene were married and remained a happy couple for nearly 35 years until her passing.

While teaching was a vital part of Lorene's life and spirit, she found her true passion in motherhood. It would be hard to find two children who ever felt more loved by their mother than Toban and Joelle. From day-to-day loving words and gestures to birthdays, Christmases, and family holidays that were magical memories, Lorene revelled in providing the "best for her nest." Naturally, this continued when her "grand babes" came into the world. First, the twins, Mollie and Gus, then Alexandra, and last but never least, Ava arrived to make Lorene's world complete. From spoiling them with goodies and treats as little ones to holding court and regaling them with family history as they got older, Lorene cherished each moment spent with her most loved lineage. Forever & always, they will be her "Molliekins, Gusifer, Daffydil, & Cheeky Bird."

Spending time with her dear circle of friends was another of Lorene's preferred pursuits. Dinner parties, sorority gatherings, trips to the opera, and many cups of tea were but a few of the ways she enjoyed passing the time. Perhaps her favorite time spent with "besties" was chatting on the phone. So much so that Don, with a glint in his eye and a cheeky grin on his face, once hung a wet dish towel on the phone cord to dry during one of her lengthier discourses.

Lorene was recognized throughout the Chemainus community for her thoughtfulness and generosity. Many locals were graced by a smile, kind word, memento, or even one of her delicious and ornately decorated cakes during her years in "The Little Town That Did."

Lorene will be dearly missed by all who knew her. Her final wish was that she be remembered for the joy she brought to others in life, not the sadness of her passing. As a lover of things that glittered and shone, Lorene will also be remembered as someone who "left a little sparkle wherever she went."

Lorene is predeceased by Roy Sinclair Jack (father), Eliza Jane Jack (mother), Donald Gustav Brooks (husband), Gordon Jack (brother), and Robert Jack (nephew). She is survived by James Campbell Milligan (husband), Toban Alexander Brooks (son), Kirstina Joelle Hornby (née Brooks) (daughter), Tara Ellen Brooks (daughter-in-law), Barry Lorne Hornby (son-in-law), Darlene Jack (sister-in-law), Bonnie, Kathy, and Christine Jack (nieces), and grandchildren Mollie and Gustav Brooks and Alexandra and Ava Hornby.

Lorene was strong in her wish for no memorial service. Instead, she had a request most suited to her angelic 'soft as feathers' heart: please go forth and bring a joyful kindness to another in her memory. At a later date, there will be a memorial bench & tree to honour Lorene. She envisioned this as a place where those in her wonderful circle of family, friends, past students, and colleagues can have "a wee chat" with her, just "be", or perhaps even listen to a John Denver tune with her. May "country roads" forever bring you home.

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