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Mercury Players stage a timely classic

Involved plot of Tartuffe heads toward a surprising conclusion
The classic Tartuffe is the next project on the agenda for Mercury Players. (Graphic submitted)

The art of the scam, circa 1664: a lecherous conman pretends to be a pious spiritual adviser in Mercury Players Society’s next production, Tartuffe.

In this most famous work by Molière, the great 17th Century French satirist, Orgon’s family is up in arms because Orgon and his mother have fallen under the influence of the charlatan Tartuffe. Orgon and his mother no longer take any action without consulting him first. Tartuffe’s antics do not fool the rest of the family or their friends; they detest him. Orgon raises the stakes when he announces Tartuffe will marry Orgon’s daughter Mariane, who is already engaged to Valère. The plot becomes more involved as it gallops to its surprising conclusion.

Deeper questions such as ‘What does it mean to be good?’ are carefully packaged into a delightful farce with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, a charming and quirky love story and some tense moments for the Orgon family. Will he see the light? And if he does, will it be too late?

Written entirely in rhyming couplets, this version of the classic comedy, in translation by Ranjit Bolt, is performed by a cast of 12 and directed by Rien Vesseur. Tartuffe is on stage Thursday, Feb. 29, Friday, March 1, Thursday, March 7 and Friday, March 8 at 7:30 pm; and Saturday, March 2, Sunday, March 3, Saturday, March 9 and Sunday, March 10 at 2:30 p.m. at Duncan United Church Hall.

Tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for seniors and students, available at Ten Old Books in the Duncan Garage and at There’s an opening night special of two tickets for $35.

Mary Louise Phillips of Crofton is a member of the Mercury Players Society and recently served as director of the Christmas production of ‘Comfort and Joy.’

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